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The Bhagavad Gita

Calendar | Prices & Accommodation

This 80-hour module is one of the five modules of the International Raja Yoga Teacher Training consisting of a total of 400 hours of training (RYT400) which is internationally recognized. With all modules it is possible to participate as a separate retreat for your own pleasure and personal development.

Module BG1: Introduction to

The Bhagavad Gita (10 days / 80 hours)

The Bhagavad Gita is considered the jewel of the Vedas, the oldest scripts known. In this ancient mythical story essential wisdom of life is offered, in a very accessible way.

Themes to be addressed are:

  • Central questions of life

  • Finding your purpose in life

  • The nature of detachment

  • The nature of the soul

  • Bhakti, Jnana, Karma and Raja Yoga

  • Acting in wisdom

  • Meditation as a way of Life

  • How to integrate yoga into your daily life?

Preparation for the module BG1 consists of reading chapters 1 to 9 of the Bhagavad Gita.


Module BG2: Continuation of

The Bhagavad Gita (10 days / 80 hours)

In this module we continue our study of the Bhagavad Gita, the jewel of the Vedas, the oldest scripts known. In this ancient mythical story essential wisdom of life is offered in a very accessible way. Since the second half of the book offers different topics than the first half, it is very well possible to start with this module, without having attended module BG1. As an introduction we start with a recapitulation of the first chapters of the book.

Themes to be addressed are:

  • Who or what is God?: an abstract god, a personal god, universal energy, love?

  • The veil of illusion

  • Dedication, joy and discipline

  • The relationship between body, consciousness and soul, The nature of Nature- Jnana, Karma and Raja Yoga Acting in wisdom

  • Meditation as a way of Life

  • How to integrate yoga into your daily life?


Preparation for the module BG2 consists of reading chapters 1 to 18 of the Bhagavad Gita.


10 days retreats consist of 18 sessions of 3 hours, alternated with free afternoons to relax, to swim, to walk and to enjoy the wonderful nature surroundings. We’ll offer different styles of yoga practice, adapted to your needs and experience and to the time of the day and the season.


Recurring themes in all Intensive Modules:

Yoga asanas and relaxation

We offer various modern styles of hatha yoga, our approach is a mindful way of practicing yoga. This means, a quiet, attentive and meditative approach. Remaining in an asana can sometimes be intense and powerful. Yet we will also introduce dynamic flow series and be mindful in action! Everyone can participate at his or her level and there is plenty of room for personal variations and modifications


Breath and energy practices. Learning to work and play with the physical breath, subtle prana flows and mental energy.

Pratyahara & Concentration & Meditation

To withdraw the senses and the attention within towards focus and meditation, in gradual steps and using different techniques, we’ll explore higher realms of consciousness under professional and experienced guidance.



In order to participate in this intensive module one needs to have completed two of our Yoga and Meditation Basic retreats, or have an equivalent of experience in yoga and/or meditation elsewhere.

Please get in touch when interested and we can discuss the possibilities.


'The DRU Bhagavad Gita', Mansukh Patel, Life Foundation

‘Light on Life’, B.K.S. Iyengar

'Yoga Dipika', B.K.S.Iyengar

‘Meditation & Imagination, Elleke van Kraalingen, 2011, O-Books, UK.*

* Available at La Borde Blanque

'The_Yoga_Sutras_of_Patanjali'', Elleke_

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